
I am accepting new pediatric clients and their families.

CST is gentle, light touch and collaborative with your inner wisdom. Craniosacral treatment involves working with the Central Nervous System (CNS), the brain and spinal cord. This is a gentle, deeply relaxing, light touch therapy that is very profound. Restrictions in the brain and spinal cord (CNS) impact your entire being, physical and emotional.  CST is a light touch approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life. It releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve the whole body health and performance. Few body structures have more influence over your health and wellbeing that your central nervous system (CNS), and few body systems have more impact on your CNS that the craniosacral system-the soft tissues and fluid that protect your brain and spinal cord. With gentle pressure, starting at 5 grams, I assess your body at several points, and we work to release the patterns of restriction.  When we free the CNS to perform the way it was designed, amazing results are achieved. Craniosacral therapy naturally induces the para-sympathetic helps to eliminates pain and stress, strengthens your resistance to disease and enhances your health and wellbeing.  The only contraindications for this work is a recent stroke or risk of aneurism.  In either case, I will need to speak to your physician and verify that slight pressure changes in the cerebral spinal fluid can be tolerated.

CST and Infants
The basis is the same for infants as adults, light touch therapy to help remove restrictions in the CNS.  However, the huge factor is time spent in a restricted pattern. Newborns are working on the primary (first) reflex, rooting as demonstrated in feeding (breast or bottle).  If we can help the baby set this cornerstone as balanced as possible, then every other reflex that is built on it will be as balanced as possible.  This in turn, helps restricted compensatory patterns learned over a lifetime, reduced or never expressed.  POWERFUL! Seeing a newborn within hours or the first days of life can potentially reduce a wide spectrum of health challenges, many of which might not otherwise become apparent until the child is in school.  I have many pregnant mothers who will schedule sessions 2 weeks post due date for a session.  This is a great way to get the day/time that is best for your family.  While I work to get newborns in ASAP it’s not always the best time of day as I will add the session in the morning before I start my day or evening, after my day.

Ankyloglossia (Tongue Tie)
A true “tongue tie” is created in the fourth week of embryonic development and is a fold.  Apoptosis (cellular termination) is designed to occur around the twelfth week of these cells.  If this signaling is delayed, the frenulum continues to grow, causing the “tie”.

Faux ties will present like the actual embryonic tie, however are from restrictions in the body.  More interventions at birth can increase the severity of restrictions in their body. If an infant is presenting with a side preference, torticollis, plagiocephaly, a tie is typically present.  If ankyloglossia is caused by restrictions in the body, a procedure, frenotomy or frenectomy, laser, or scissor, will have minimal or short-lived success.  These are babies who will have multiple procedures with it appearing the tie has “regrown”.  To be very clear, a true TIE CANNOT REGROW as it is embryonic development.  I believe this “reattachment” term is a misnomer.  What can give the appearance of the frenulum post procedure is scar tissue or systemic body tightness. If there is tension within their body, it will show in the structures in their cranium, including their tongue. The solution is bodywork, not more cutting.

Why is this important?

The tongue is the top of the deep line of fascia.  The tongue, neck, shoulders, belly, pelvic floor, groin, outside lower leg to the big toe is the deep line of fascia.  A restricted tongue can impact this entire line or any restriction in the line can restrict the tongue. During breastfeeding, the tongue needs to move over the lower gum to stimulate the milk ducts. If the tongue is not able to do this, you can see inefficient emptying of the milk ducts, then to clogged milk ducts and possibly mastitis. Most new moms are over producing milk and this will regulate around three months postpartum.  If the baby has not been stimulating the breast appropriately, there can be a dramatic decrease in supply as the breasts regulate.  Due to the inefficient emptying, the baby could be getting more fore milk, and not the fattier hind milk. Which can lead to more frequent nursing sessions, gas, and green mucus bowel movements. The tongue is designed to rest on the roof of the mouth, expanding the upper pallet, establishing an adequate airway and stimulating the pineal gland.  The pineal gland is responsible to produce and secrete melatonin and to regulate sleep cycles.  Restricted airways can lead to mouth breathing, and even adrenal fatigue. The tongue is designed to move the food bolus in the mouth, left, right and back to prepare to swallow.  If the tongue cannot move the food around the mouth and then back towards the throat, you can see a “picky” eater, choking or gaging.  Later still, difficulties with speech.  While these outcomes are possible, no one has a “magic ball” to see into your child’s future.  My position is I support you and your child in whatever decision gives you peace.  Having the procedure or not, craniosacral therapy can help your child’s body move towards optimal health.

Positional Plagiocephaly (flat spot)

CST is remarkable with positional plagiocephaly, with the vast majority of parents seeing and feeling a noticeable difference in just the first session. Infant cranial bones are floating on the meninges (a three layered fascia type of tissue that houses the brain and spinal cord).  Tension in the body will pull or drag to these floating bones and can create the flattening.  This tension will impact the temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) and the sphenoid bone (eye shape).  More systems will be impacted but I find most parents ask specifically about the jaw and the eyes. The best results happen with bodywork and parents increasing tummy time and limiting time in containers (car seats, bouncers, swings). Depending on the severity anywhere from 2-6 sessions will be needed. I’ve helped parents avoid helmets and I’ve worked with babies who are in a helmet.  Again, CST helps the body to move towards homeostasis or optimal health and we can do this work while in treatment with a helmet or not.


True Torticollis is an infant’s inability to move their head both directions and is diagnosed by their pediatrician, nurse practitioner or physical therapist. Most babies will have a side preference.  Meaning they like to move to one side or another but CAN move to the non-preferred side. The second is far more common than true torticollis.  Again, infant cranial bones are floating on the meninges. The meninges are attached in the cranium, drop thru the foramen magnum, is attached to the posterior body of cervical 2 & 3, then are free floating until the anterior portion of canal of sacral 2 (S2) and terminates by blending with the periosteum of the coccyx (tailbone).  If there is any restriction in the body, it can result in diminished ability of the infant to move their heads freely. Sometimes the restriction in the neck, but not always. Using CST listening skills, I asses where the restrictions are and help the infant release the tension patterns, then the head can move freely.  This all happens very gently.  Never forced. Typically, parents will see a remarkable difference in the first session.  I’ve had some cases resolve in two 45 minute sessions, while some have taken six.  However, six has been the maximum sessions for true, diagnosed torticollis.

What to expect with an infant session.  If nursing, plan on nursing during session.  If bottle feeding, plan on feeding during session.  Most babies are fairly calm, some may be a bit fussy, but most enjoy the work.  When we arrive at a restriction, they may cry but it typically resolves fairly quickly, a few seconds to 1 min.  However, there are a few babies that cry the entire session. Then we work where the baby is happiest, on the breast, in mom or dads’ arms, walking, bouncing, outside, where ever!  I don’t mind working around what helps you and the baby to feel safe. Please know this is very, very gentle work.  If chiropractic is bodywork your family utilizes, scheduling an adjustment within three days of our session is ideal. This work is so gentle it seamlessly accommodates other therapies or early intervention medical teams or practitioners.

What to expect with a toddler session. Movement, parental engagement (play) and snacks. I expect they will want to play and move. When you arrive you will sit with your toddler on the table. I'll have a few toys out and you two will play together. They need you close to feel safe. It usually just take a few minutes for them to settle in, once they do, you can sit on a stool next to the table. They will put their hand on mine when I'm working an area they like and sometimes they will push my hands away! This is completely wonderful! I believe in body autonomy and they know what they like and don't like. Toddlers are the most honest people! Finally, snacks. Toddlers love a snack! They are to be eaten on the table and a distraction while I work. No peanuts please.

Older Children. I have a story disc player which is good for about ages 3 to about 5 or 6. I have also have the Calm app with "calm" stories. Which is usually good for 5 to maybe 10. If you have an audio book player (Yoto or Tonies Box or??), bring it. If you have an audio book account or library audio books, I have a bluetooth speaker you can connect your phone and they can listen. If they have a song playlist, again they can listen to it as well. What doesn't work; headphones or screens. The idea is they feel safe and comfortable. You know your kids the best and trust you'll know what will help them the most.

Currently working on my Child Birth International (CBI) Breastfeeding Counselor credential.

CST and Concussions
Craniosacral Therapy is an effective treatment of both concussions and post concussion syndrome (PCS). One technique used, cranial pumping the intention is movement of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through the central nervous system. CSF bathes and feeds the brain and removes waste products, which helps promote homeostasis within the cerebral neurochemical environment. When the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is in a stressed state, called the sympathetic response, (flight or fight) healing is delayed. By balancing the ANS with a gentle stillpoint hold at the base of the head provides a powerful parasympathetic response. When the ANS is out of this aroused state, healing can occur.

CST and Stress
Stress is blanket term for our central nervous system has been stimulated into the sympathetic response or flight or fight.  If we don’t create a physical release (fighting or flighting) this can create anxiety.  Think of putting our foot on the gas pedal AND brakes at the same time.   CST and in particular the brain coursework I’ve taken addresses this CNS and ANS response and helps your body to regulate for more optimum health.

I can only emphasize Upledger Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is ALWAYS listen and follow.  Listening to the inner wisdom of the client’s body, and following. This inner wisdom has many names; Inner Physician, Jesus, Goddess, Mother Nature, Holy Spirit, the Universal Christ, Angels, Guides and countless other names. What you believe and name is the most important, and to remember there is a deep wisdom in your body of what it needs to achieve optimum health and this is what I am humbly working to listen to with every session.

Visceral Manipulation is based on the specific placement of soft manual forces to encourage the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera and their connective tissues. These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the functioning of individual organs, the systems the organs function within, and the structural integrity of the entire body.

Total Body Balancing (TBB) uses long levers (arms, legs, head/neck or torso) and rhythmic mobilization to release tension in the muscles, fascia, joint capsules and ligaments to improve circulation, nerve, and energy flow. This helps to normalize sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) neurological activity. This long lever approach of rhythmic mobilization influences all systems of the body including the lymphatic (immune), the visceral (organs) and the craniosacral (head and sacrum), myofascial and musculoskeletal systems and serves as an overall support and integration for specific treatment. I work in the feather range of the joint, meaning there is felt restriction but the body will not guard against the work.  Decompressing the joint, to the feather edge and moving in circumduction in the feather range, until a release is achieved.  This work is indirect, and very gentle.  It is possible to create profound, meaningful releases without an aggressive, painful approach.

Reflexive Performance Reset (RPR)
This was developed primarily for athletes, which I have used and helped many D1, football, volleyball and baseball players, in addition to many other youth athletes.  The analogy; if the lamp isn’t plugged into the electrical socket, it won’t turn on.  No matter how many times you try.  If muscles (peripheral nervous system) aren’t plugged into the brain (central nervous system), they won’t fire.  If the muscles don’t fire, then other muscles will do the firing, creating a compensatory pattern.   For athletes, this makes you slow and prone to injury.  For non athletes, it can create long standing postural issues, like head forward posture or chronic low back pain or neck shoulder pain.  With RPR I test to see what muscles are not working, then find the compensatory pattern, interrupt it, and reset the reflex.  This is the only protocol I use that can be painful. The absolute best is there are warm up exercises that allow you to reset yourself.  Takes about 5-6 minutes to do the warmups.

In infants, I will watch them crawl and if their hips struggle to go into flexion or extension, I will use RPR to stimulate their psoas and glute reflexes.  If they struggle to press with their shoulders, I will reset their shoulders.  I’ll watch the gate (walking) of toddlers and notice what I believe is not plugged in and reset it. Again, for infants, toddlers, children, the sooner we get these muscles firing the better!


I accept all major credit cards, cash or check. I am credentialed thru the only board, National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, that insurance companies recognize. I do not submit or file insurance claims, nor guarantee your insurance will pay for bodywork therapy I preform. I do not accept any insurance. Any work I preform is self-pay. However, I can provide receipts with the appropriate coding for you to file and potentially receive reimbursement.

Prices starting 1/1/2025.

$65 Toddler Session 30 Mins

$90 45 minutes total time in office.

$150 75 minutes total time in office.